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Tarot and Manifestation: How to Use Tarot Cards to Attract Abundance and Success

Tarot cards can be a powerful tool for manifesting abundance and success in your life. Here are some steps you can take to use tarot cards for manifestation:

Clarify your intention:

Before you begin, it is important to clarify your intention for what you want to manifest. Be as specific as possible and focus on one intention at a time.

Choose a tarot deck:

Select a tarot deck that resonates with you and your intention. You may want to choose a deck with imagery and symbolism that relates to your intention.

Create a sacred space:

Create a sacred space where you can focus your energy and intention. This could be a quiet room, a sacred altar, or any other space where you feel comfortable and centered.

Shuffle the cards:

Take the tarot deck and shuffle the cards while focusing on your intention. You can shuffle the cards in any way that feels comfortable for you, such as shuffling them by hand or spreading them out on a table and mixing them up.

Draw cards:

Once you feel ready, draw a card from the deck and place it face up on the table. Look at the image on the card and think about how it relates to your intention. Consider the symbolism, colors, and other details on the card.

Visualize your intention:

Use the imagery on the card to visualize your intention as if it has already happened. Imagine yourself living the life you want to manifest and feel the emotions associated with that manifestation.

Repeat the process:

Repeat the process of drawing and visualizing cards until you feel you have focused your intention and energy on your desired manifestation.

Remember, manifesting abundance and success requires more than just using tarot cards. It also involves taking action, setting goals, and having a positive mindset. Use the insights and guidance from the tarot cards to help you take inspired action toward your manifestation.

How to Use Tarot Cards to Set and Achieve Your Goals.

Tarot cards can be a valuable tool for setting and achieving your goals. Here are some steps you can take to use tarot cards to help you reach your goals:

  1. Clarify your goal: Before you begin, it is important to clarify your goal and make it as specific and measurable as possible. Write it down so that you can refer back to it later.

  2. Choose a tarot deck: Select a tarot deck that resonates with you and your goal. Look for a deck with imagery and symbolism that relates to your goal.

  3. Create a spread: Choose a tarot spread that is designed for goal setting. You can create your own spread, or find one online or in a book. A simple three-card spread is a good place to start.

  • Card 1: The present situation

  • Card 2: Obstacles or challenges

  • Card 3: Steps to take to achieve your goal

  1. Shuffle the cards: Take the tarot deck and shuffle the cards while focusing on your goal. Think about what you want to achieve and visualize yourself already having achieved it.

  2. Draw cards: Once you feel ready, draw the cards and place them face up on the table.

  3. Interpret the cards: Look at the imagery and symbolism on each card and consider how it relates to your goal. Use your intuition and knowledge of the cards to interpret their meaning.

  4. Take action: Use the guidance from the cards to take action toward your goal. The third card in the spread will provide you with specific steps to take. Make a plan and take action toward achieving your goal.

  5. Check-in regularly: Regularly check in with the cards and your progress towards your goal. You can do this by performing the same spread again, or by simply meditating on the cards and their guidance.

Remember, tarot cards are just one tool to help you set and achieve your goals. They can provide insight and guidance, but it is ultimately up to you to take action and make progress toward your goal.


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